What we offer

Circular business models

A collage of Product-as-a-Service reports.

Product-as-a-Service business model development

Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) is one approach to shift from simply selling products to charging for utility and creating stronger alignment with circular economy practices. The approach ensures that the company captures value each time the product is used and puts it at the core of its business strategy.

By aligning incentives between businesses and customers, PaaS encourages manufacturers to design products for durability, repairability, and recyclability, while empowering consumers to access goods on a pay-per-use basis. Moreover, PaaS enables businesses to forge deeper relationships with customers, offering personalized solutions, continuous product improvements, and enhanced value-added services.

We work with multiple brands on developing a Product-as-a-Service business model and value proposition. By exploring what PaaS can do, companies can unlock new revenue streams, drive innovation, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.  

Assorted electronic parts and gadgets displayed on a flat surface.

Take-back system design

While modern industrial recycling has advanced, a significant share of product value is often lost in the process.

Take-back systems include a series of processes whereby a company retrieves used products or packaging materials from customers for recycling, refurbishment, or potentially reuse on a secondary market. Implementing an effective take-back system  presents an opportunity to transform your resource management, unlock new revenue streams, and gain a competitive edge. We offer a take-back system design service tailored to your specific products, target market, and sustainability goals.

Our service helps you evaluate the business case for a take-back system, exploring opportunities for customer retention, securing critical components, enabling new business models, and facilitating rapid product upgrades to retain your competitive edge.  

Examples of deliverables

Report on operational capabilities and product range readiness

Business case for circular product or service, detailing costs and revenue streams

Identification and prioritization of value-adding drivers and expected benefits

Mapping potential partners essential for successful launch and operation